Finding the B in LGBTQ+ History: Tips & Tools for Learning Bisexual+ History
Have you ever wanted to know more about the history of the bisexual+ community or about bisexuality in general but not known where to start? Have you ever sat through a presentation or film about LGBTQ+ history and wondered where all the bisexual people were? If, like me, your answer to either of those questions is yes, then this ebook is for you!
is a short guide with insights on how to uncover bi+ history and pages of resources to help you get started! Grounded by the belief that everyone should have access to bi+ history, I'm selling this booklet pay-what-you-want so that no one is hindered from accessing the resources inside because of lack of funds. Whether you grab a copy for free or for a price of your choosing, I hope these tips and tools are as helpful to you as they have been to me!